Recipes and incantations to cleanse the soul.

La Belle Shabine is very pretty, very clean. There is a strong light glowing from deep inside her.

Self care is a routine and ritual for her, not for vanity but because it represents necessary inner cleansing. through self-care she applies body armour,  clothing herself in the mask of her own Inner Beauty. She bathes in the river or the sea daily - her brown skin glows with a rich gold/copper tone.  She carefully rubs her tanned golden skin in oils. Her clothes, the outer armour, she washes daily by hand - the soap and water on her hands and sounds of suds and cloth on the washing board is repetitive,  soothing, the wind and sun on her face and hair as she hangs them out to dry sing to her spirit.

La Belle Shabine uses physical work meditation to cleanse her inner pain and soothe the agony of demonic relationships past and present that wound and sting. self care, home care, the ritual of preparing food and gifts, are all acts of kindness for self and others and to appease and angry god. These external actions serve the purpose of refining her mask, creating boundaries that cannot be crossed, or broken, creating distance between her self and others. Connecting her to the Goddess.

Belle is a master of creating walls of kindness between herself and others. once she has assessed the needs of  the other and prepared their Gift, she hands it to her lover. The Gift gives her space to walk away knowing that he or she will wait for her return, for as long as it takes.

La Belle uses every interaction with others to create a bond, and a wall simultaneously.  Se's so kind that men and women alike - all of who come to exploit her - fall, love and become dependent on her.

A hint about Belle's background - she was born free but lived as a slave throughout her childhood. As a child, she always  had powers, to give, to heal. She was a covetted possession as a result.  She was fought over, bought and sold, changing hands. They wanted to own and control her magic, to mine and exploit her. She was depleted. Hard hard work cut a swathe into her soul.

She is now a free woman, for the past thirty years.
She has refound her magic, she has become Mistress of the rituals that heal.

"I am just a red nigger that loves the sea.
I have dutch english and nigger in me
and either I am nobody
or I am a nation."

Belle as a  young girl, before they took her magic from her.
Belle's Mother, was killed at sea, when she was 4 years old. she lives at the bottom of the ocean.
Belle has no age, she is somewhere between 35 and 50. but no-one knows.
